Changed lives are the goal of the Men’s Ministry. Since 1911, tens of thousands of men have come through the doors of the City Rescue Mission. Through several different approaches, the Men’s Ministry cares for hungry, homeless and hurting people.


The Community Feeding Program provides one hot meal every day (including holidays and weekends) to any hungry individual. For many, this is the only meal that is eaten that day. The overall goal of this program is to assist the homeless and poor with better nutrition and to use the meal as a bridge to establish a relationship. Hope does begin with a meal at the City Rescue Mission.


The Mission’s Crossroads Emegerncy Shelter provides a safe bed in which to sleep, food, and casework (identification, health, insurance, employment, housing, spiritual care, etc.) to help men experiencing homelessness get established in the community. The overall goal of this program is to help men improve their quality of life and become self-sufficient members of our community.


"I am thankful the City Rescue Mission was able to give me shelter in the middle of the night...

it was freezing outside."


The Mission’s Recovery Program provides intensive biblical discipleship to men who are interested in addressing life issues such as bondage to alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, and unemployment. Each man who participates in the Recovery Program has a safe place to live, food to eat, opportunities to learn good work habits, personal and group bible studies, discipleship, educational opportunities and access to a compassionate and caring staff. Each man experiences a life-changing love that empowers him to be completely restored...a new creation. Admittance to the program is after evaluation of our pastoral staff.


Before I came to the Mission, I never understood God’s word or how it related to me. The Recovery Program  gave me a better understanding of why I matter to God and what God wants from me. I learned accountability and responsibility.
- Gary


The City Rescue Mission has extended its spiritual and emotional care to struggling people from a different part of our community. Recently, the Mission bridged it’s ministry to serve the spiritual needs of those who are currently incarcerated at the Lawrence County Jail. A Mission staff member provide provide a time of community interaction, Bible study and prayer for men who wish to experience peace and gain victory over fear, anger and doubt that only God can provide.


For men who have completed their sentence, the program also offers a long-term, Bible-based mentoring and discipleship program for ex-offenders such as our recovery program. Those who choose recovery get to experience hope as they readjust to society, building a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and reconnect to society through a new family of caring and compassionate believers.