Despite the challenges and chaos of these past three years, the City Rescue Mission continues serving hungry, homeless, and hurting people in our community. None of this would have been possible without the generosity of our donors.
As 2023 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to thank you for all your kindness and support. Your donations provided homeless, hungry, and hurting people the care they desperately needed and a new start.
Because of you, our Family Care Ministry was able to provide hundreds of people in need with grocery assistance and additional care throughout the year, including extra help during the holidays. This year's Thanksgiving Basket Outreach provided more than 350 families with a turkey and all the fixings to prepare a traditional meal at home. The Christmas Gift Assistance outreach blessed more than 500 children with gifts to open Christmas morning. You made a big difference this holiday season for less fortunate people in our community.
Your impact in our Men's Ministry was life-changing. Fifteen men enrolled in the Recovery Program this year and worked towards a new life in Christ free from their addiction. Almost 500 men found safe, warm shelter along with any additional care they needed within the ministry. Over a thousand meals were served each month to hungry people in our community through the ministry's Community Feeding Program. Most inspiring, 56 men shared that they turned their lives over to Christ while staying at the Mission.
The blessings continue with the Women's Ministry. Women recommitted their lives to Christ while staying at the Hope Place shelter and one woman found salvation for the first time. Faithful volunteers and donors provided the support and care women needed to understand the unconditional love of Jesus and get back on their feet.
Our Youth Ministry continued to impact children in our community through the Centershot Archery Program along with teaming up with other outreaches in the community who were able to use our facilities for their ministries.
The blessings were truly endless. The Mission has always offered more than food and shelter. Every guest who walks through the door is treated with kindness and shown the love of Christ. It is why lives are transformed within these buildings.
Let the City Rescue Mission be YOUR mission. We encourage you to continue your partnership with these ministries. Your donation today is an investment in changing lives and will help prepare the Mission for 2024 on a firm financial foundation.
All gifts postmarked or processed online at by midnight December 31st may qualify as a 2023 charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.