Centershot Archery

Spring 2025 Session


Sankey Center  |  125 W Grant St.  |  New Castle, PA 16101


Now On Thursday Evenings


Thursday,  April 3

Thursday,  April 10
Thursday,  April 17

Thursday,  April 24

Thursday, May 1

Thursday, May 8


Session Times:

6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


**New archer orientation will be
held during the first session**


Cost: $5
For kids and teens ages 9 to 18




Date to be determined


Registration for the Spring Session of Centershot Archery is now open.


Please note all dates and times are tentative and subject to change based upon recommendations from
the PA Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control, as applicable. 


The number of participants may be limited.


Click Below to Read the Centershot Archery COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan.

Centershot Archery @ Sankey Center is an outreach of the City Rescue Mission and is geared to teach students ages 9 to 18 the life-skills
of archery in a faith-based environment. Centershot Archery utilizes the National Archery in the Schools Program ( NASP®) curriculum that
is taught in more than 13,000 schools in 47 states to over 2 million 4th-12th grade students annually. No archery experience or equipment is required.


Have more questions? Click the FAQ link below. Sign up for text/email alerts to receive important announcements and learn when registration
opens by clicking the link above. A parent/guardian must submit emergency contact and waiver forms each calendar year. Click the links below to
download the forms.

If you are connected to Centershot Archery, please follow the link above to join our private Facebook Group. 
You'll see pictures and receive Centershot Archery announcements to your Facebook newsfeed.